Anonymous Island

Anonymous Island.  (Work in progress).

Tenseness and anonymity, black and white street poetry escaping from faces and direct human presence.

Anonymous Island is an exercise of serendipity which I cannot consciously undertake; it is impossible for me to go out on the street to find these images as I do with other photographic essays; it is them who appear before me in a straightforward, emotional way; they emerge from the gut of the city, and I feel they flow from my stomach to the camera lens – images that mean much more than they show and captivate me with an alluring unease that I try to convey by bringing them together in this work.

man hidding his face, cuban photography fine art by louis alarcon
mistery in havana , cuban photography fine art by louis alarcon
Fidel and the cuban heroes, cuban photography fine art by louis alarcon
the cuban hand , cuban photography fine art by louis alarcon
girl in a stairs , cuban photography fine art by louis alarcon
dog´s love in cuba, cuban photography fine art by louis alarcon
cuban statue of a young girl , cuban photography fine art by louis alarcon
cuban dancer without face, cuban photography fine art by louis alarcon
running in cuba, cuban photography fine art by louis alarcon
flat rat , cuban photography fine art by louis alarcon
hidding priest in havana, cuban photography fine art by louis alarcon
broken religion, cuban photography fine art by louis alarcon
cuban symbols , cuban photography fine art by louis alarcon
solitud in the sky , cuban photography fine art by louis alarcon
looking beyond the light house , cuban photography fine art by louis alarcon
storm of ideas in cuba , cuban photography fine art by louis alarcon
dolphin in cuba, cuban photography fine art by louis alarcon
american flag in havana, cuban photography fine art by louis alarcon
Contents © Louis Alarconsite by Bluekea