Photography stores in Havana, Cuba

Photography stores in Cuba

This may be the shortest article on photography I have done in all these years of writing.


After Covid all the stores closed, so if you need to buy photographic equipment you can look for it on the website most used by Cubans.

Remember to do the search in Spanish and focus on the city you are in (probably Havana)

Revolico is an advertising service between individuals, if you are urgent to get the photographic equipment you can offer to pay the taxi to the seller and it will probably arrive at your house or hotel in less than an hour 

Shops of photography in Havana, Cuba

Probably if you search on the internet for camera or photography equipment stores in Havana, you will come up with some of the following references.

* Izuky photography Studio this reference is not a real photography store, but the studio of Izuky, a well-established photographer in Cuba, specialist in wedding photography, quinceanera photography, product photography, nude photography, etc.

* Google will also offer you other options such as TRIMAGE or PHOTOSERVICE but they are state stores that are either closed or not operational, perhaps you can print photographs with standard quality.

Once again I insist, if you need to buy photographic equipment, the best option is to visit the website

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